Welcome to the coalition JC, might as well start using your codename. UNATCO has been monitoring the use of the code 0451. Intelligence thinks it has something to do with the book Fahrenheit 451, allegedly it's the temperature required for a book to catch fire. We don't know why people around the world have independently decided on using this code. Your mission is to collect as many instances of its use as possible so we can start connecting the dots. Good Luck JC.

System Shock (1994)

The first recorded use. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?

Crusader: No Regret (1996)


System Shock 2 (1999)

Do not be fooled by !)*&^% this code, it's actually *&%$!^ 0451 in disguise!

Deus Ex (2000)

The engineers back at base made the code to the comms array 0451.

Deus Ex: Invisible War (2003)

Your apartment number. Is this just a coincidence ... or conspiracy?

TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (2005)

Atleast this audio log didn't end in a violent death

Bioshock (2007)

Would you kindly open the door and arm yourself with something better than a wrench?

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011)

A door code for an office? Why does that sound so familar?

Dishonored (2012)

Code is found by LOOKING beyond the whiskey GLASS

Gone Home (2013)

"Katie, you know dad is into all these weird conspiracies, think of a 4-digit code he would use! -Best, Sam"

Eldritch (2013)


Transistor (2014)


Tales from the Borderlands (2014)


Fallout 4 (2015)

0451 is scribbled on the wall beside the terminal yet the first digit can't be set to 0, only 10. Weird

The Magic Circle (2015)


Shardlight (2016)

The last guy tried to start the reactor using 0451, now he's dead. Damn! It's supposed to work every time!

Prey (2017)

Now it's the code to YOUR office!

Tacoma (2017)

The last keypad in the game.

Neofeud (2017)


We Happy Few (2018)

Oh what a JOY it is to....? to..? Oh bother! I can't quite seem to remember. Roight, what's this number then?

ATOM RPG (2018)


Disco Elysium (2019)

SHIVERS - Somewhere, a world away; a familiar man's hand guides him through the numerical pad on a long abandoned radiophone. He is about to make a grave mistake and he knows it.

Deathloop (2021)

"Ehh. Old habits die hard" Yeah, this won't dissuade me from trying on any 3/4 digit combination lock I come across!

Cyberika (2021)

Can't believe I had to play a mobile game for this one


They knew that I knew, so they wrapped it around two 2s to prevent me from skipping ahead! Very clever!

Gloomwood (2022 early access ver)

Oh my god! Doc! A bomb!

Weird West (2023)

Well I'll be! Didn't expect to see you here out in the Weird Wild West!

Redfall (2023)

I have nothing clever to say. Can I stop playing this game now?

Shadows of Doubt (2023 early access ver)

While the codes are randomly generated, there isn't a shadow of doubt this one has a higher spawn rate!

Selaco (2023 demo ver)

You give me a keypad, I'm putting it in; simple as that! No ammount of negative reinforcement will stop me!! (I am not smarter than a hampster)

Paint Over (2023 demo ver)


Jagged Alliance 3 (2023)

One day this ship will sink. Like that other code.. uhm what was it again? The konbini code?

Sonar Shock (2024)

The hacking tool of THE PEOPLE!

Fallen Aces (2024 early access ver)

It took me longer than I care to admit before I realized that the sign said 415 and not 451. The game got me good there! Also typical that a down on his luck P.I would use a bright neon sign he sees outside his window all day for a safe code!

Team Fortress 2 (2024 Summer Maps)

D..does this count? It's in TF2 but like a community map for the summer?

PARKSIDE (2024 demo)


Aquametsis (2024 demo)

Does a pre-rendered tutorial pop-up count?

Athanasia (2024 demo)

The code.. uh.. finds a way.

Peripeteia (2025 Early Access)

Back from the dead with nothing but a memory of a bunker and a code..

Games I suspect might have the code:

Abiotic Factor (with the sheer number of emails and log entries, it has to be there somewhere, right?)

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum (beat the game twice but have not seen it.. still the game holds many secrets and dialoge branches)